National Skills Registry / NSR Attributes

National Skills Registry is a NASSCOM initiative to have a credible information repository about all persons working in the industry. This develops trusted and permanent fact sheet of information about each professional along-with background check reports. This is a security best practice for the industry and assures identity security, industry acceptance to honest professionals.

National Skills Registry (NSR) is a database of details of the Professionals as entered by them and background check information on the same. It includes personal, academic and employment details of individuals employed / to be employed in the industry. Every professional registered in NSR is identified uniquely by candidate specific details and Know Your Client (KYC) information (Aadhaar KYC / Video KYC). The database also stores the photograph of the registered professional. Some of the important attributes of NSR system are

Central System

Unique Profiles (One person - One profile)

Deterrence for professionals faking their profiles

Identity Assurance

Data Ownership & Privacy

Factual and Objective data

NSR empanelled background checkers

Standard background check processes

Transparency of background check process

Permanent use of background check reports

Online background check process

Display of Background Verification results